Challenges and Bugs
There are many areas where the game can be improved. You can attempt the following in any order.
- There is at least one bug in the program. Can you find and fix it? Hint: It sometimes occurs upon game over.
- Multi-drones : Currently, you can only pick up one drone. Can you enhance the program so that picking up multiple strawberry donuts will give you more drones?
- Shield : Can you add another power up that gives your ship a shield? The shield should disappear after blocking one bullet.
- Shield+ : Enhance the shield code, so that you can pickup multiple powerups to strengthen the shield.
- Bomb : Can you add a bomb power up that destroys all enemies on screen when it is picked up?
- Can you add a second player?
- Tough Enemy : Create an enemy that takes mutiple bullets to destroy.
- Shooter Enemy : Create an enemy that shoots bullets continuously in all directions.
- Boss Enemy : Create a boss enemy. Research on how the boss enemy in Twin Bee behaves ( can look at YouTube videos) for your reference.
- Make the difficulty increase with time. How can you make the game harder?
Start screen and levels
- Create a start screen for the game. The actual game should only start when you click the "Start" icon on the start screen.
- Create multiple levels. You can change the background and types of enemies for each level.
Multiple lives
- Give your player multiple lives (...maybe 3 lives). The game should end only when all 3 lives are lost.
Graphical Effects
These may not affect the gameplay, but can make the game look better.
- Add some drifting clouds.
- Add some animated images in the background (eg. turning windmill).