Math and Type Conversion

Try the following...

int a = 100;
int b = 1;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Serial.println(a + b);
  b = b + 1;

We can perform some simple math operations on variables using...

Type Conversion

You cannot add a String and a number (eg. int, float); adding a word and a number simply doesn't make sense. But you can add a String and a String together like this...

String a = "Hello ";
String b = "World";
Serial.println(a + b);

This will cause the Arduino to print "Hello World" on the serial monitor.

Number to String

To convert a number (eg. int, float) into a String, you can do...

String a = "The result is:";
int b = 42;
a = a + String(b);

String to Number

If you need to convert a String into a number, you can do so like this...

String a = "100";
Serial.println(a.toInt() + 1);

This will convert the String variable a into an integer. You can also use .toFloat() to convert it into a float.

Exercise 1

This program will not work...

String a = "The result is: ";
int b = 100;
int c = 1;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  Serial.println(a + b + c); // Fix this line
  c = c + 1;

...fix it (...change only the highlighted line) so that it displays...

The result is: 101
The result is: 102
The result is: 103

Exercise 2

This is the same as the previous program, but the variable b is now a String.

String a = "The result is: ";
String b = "100";
int c = 1;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  Serial.println(a + b + c); // Fix this line
  c = c + 1;

...fix it (...change only the highlighted line) so that it displays the same output as before...

The result is: 101
The result is: 102
The result is: 103